Selected Artisans - The Global Eco Artisan Awards 2022

Selected Artisans

ENDANGERED CRAFTS - Revival and Conservation

With every new list of “Endangered Crafts” or “Crafts in Urgent Need of Safeguarding” published, the light of tradition and culture diminishes a little. The loss of these crafts means a loss of heritage, culture and history dating back to ancient times. However, not all hope is lost, thanks to the torchbearers below who have been working hard towards keeping these crafts alive and trying to brighten the fading light.

Natalia Kishchuk

Natalia Kishchuk was born into a weaving family in Hutsul village, Ukraine. She is a mathematics teacher by diploma, but a weaver by profession. Her craft involves the weaving of various products including Carpathian blankets. As of February 2021, UNESCO's National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine includes 26 elements among which the Carpathian liznik-making is the 23rd element.