Selected Artisans - The Global Eco Artisan Awards 2022

Selected Artisans

ENDANGERED CRAFTS - Revival and Conservation

With every new list of “Endangered Crafts” or “Crafts in Urgent Need of Safeguarding” published, the light of tradition and culture diminishes a little. The loss of these crafts means a loss of heritage, culture and history dating back to ancient times. However, not all hope is lost, thanks to the torchbearers below who have been working hard towards keeping these crafts alive and trying to brighten the fading light.

Milena Dos Santos

Jasir Ganaie is a Tilla hand embroidery artisan from India, born and brought up in an artisanal family. Having seen his father playing with colorful threads since his childhood, it was actually in the year 2013, during his college days that the idea of reviving the dying craft of Tilla Hand embroidery struck his mind and I started working on it. His designs mainly represent the flora and fauna of Kashmir.