Selected Artisans - The Global Eco Artisan Awards 2022

Selected Artisans


The earliest traces of jewelry are not known, but one thing is for certain, the art of making and wearing jewelry has existed for thousands of years. This art is a channel of self-expression and creativity. So much appreciation for the jewelry artisans for adding beauty and enhancing the personality of our individual styles.

Nino Misriashvili

With a degree in Economics, Nino Misriashvili is an artisan working on wood and incrustation. She was born and raised in Dusheti, Georgia in 1989 and throughout her life, was connected to the woodwork. Her process of jewelry-making starts by drawing on the wood and inserting the wire: silver and brass followed by incrustation with colorful stones. Her father is a self-taught craftsman who works on wood, and since graduating, Nino started to work actively with her father.